Psychoactive Plants & Fungi

Plants listed in this section are those which have been used by humans for
their mind- or emotion-altering properties. These plants range from the common
to the extremely uncommon and include plants with a long history of use
as well as those with little to no track record.
ACACIA | Acacia spp. | Australia |
AMANITAS | Amanita muscaria | Siberia |
AYAHUASCA | Yage | Amazon Basin |
BELLADONNA | Atropa belladonna | Europe, Middle East |
BETEL | Areca catechu | . |
BRUGMANSIA | Brugmansia spp. | S. America |
BRUNFELSIA | Brunfelsia latifolia | Amazon |
BUNDLE FLOWER | Desmanthus illinoensis | N. America |
CAAPI | Banisteriopsis caapi | Amazon |
CACTI | Trichocereus spp. | S. America |
CACAO | Theobroma cacao | Central & S. America |
CANNABIS | Cannabis sativa | India, Middle East |
CAPSICUM | Capsicum spp. | Americas |
CESTRUM | Cestrum spp. | Central & S. America |
COCA | Erythroxylum coca | S. America |
COLEUS | Solenostemon scutellarioides | Indonesia, Africa |
COLORADO RIVER REED | Arundo donax | . |
COFFEE | Coffea arabica | . |
DATURA | Datura spp. | C. & S. America, India |
DESFONTAINIA | Desfontainia spp. | S. America |
DIPLOPTERYS | Diplopterys cabrerana | S. America |
EPHEDRA | Ephedra sinica | China |
ERGOT | Claviceps purpurea | Europe |
GUARANA | Paullinia cupana | the Amazon |
H. B. WOODROSE | Argyreia nervosa | . |
HENBANE | Hyoscyamus niger | Europe, Middle East |
IBOGA | Tabernanthe iboga | Congo, Gabon |
INTOXICATING MINT | Lagochilus inebriens | Central Asia |
JUSTICIA PECTORALIS | Justicia pectoralis | . |
KANNA | Sceletium tortuosum | South Africa |
KAVA | Piper methysticum | Pacific Islands |
KHAT | Catha edulis | Ethiopia, South Arabia |
KRATOM | Mitragyna speciosa | Thailand |
LION'S TAIL / DAGGA | Leonotis leonurus | S. Africa |
LOTUS | Nymphaea spp.; Nelumbo spp. | Egypt |
MESCAL | Sophora secundiflora | Mexico, New Mexico, Texas |
MUCUNA PRURIENS | Mucuna pruriens | S. America, Africa, Asia |
MANDRAKE | Mandragora officinarum | Europe, Middle East |
MIMOSA | Mimosa tenuiflora (=hostilis) | Brazil |
MORNING GLORY | Ipomoea violacea | Mexico |
MUSHROOMS | Psilocybe spp.; Panaeolus spp. | Mexico |
NUTMEG | Myristica fragrans | New Guinea, East Indies |
OLOLIUQUI | Turbina corymbosa | . |
PASSIONFLOWER | Passiflora incarnata | . |
PEYOTE | Lophophora williamsii | Mexico |
PHALARIS GRASS | Phalaris spp. | . |
PITURI | Duboisia hopwoodii | Australia |
POPPIES | Papaver somniferum | Persia, Asia |
PSYCHOTRIA | Psychotria viridis, spp. | . |
SALVIA DIVINORUM | Salvia divinorum | Mexico |
Sakae Naa | Combretum quadrangulare | Southeast Asia |
SAN PEDRO | Trichocereus pachanoi | S. America |
SINICUICHI | Heimia salicifolia | Mexico |
SLEEPY GRASS | Stipa robusta | New Mexico, Colorado |
SOLANDRA | Solandra spp. | Central Mexico |
ST. JOHNS WORT | Hypericum perforatum | . |
SYRIAN RUE | Peganum harmala | Persia, India |
TABERNAEMONTANA | Tabernaemontana spp. | S. America, Africa |
TEA | Camellia sinensis | S.E. Asia |
TOBACCO | Nicotiana tabacum, rusticum | Americas |
VIROLA | Virola theidora | Amazon |
VOACANGA | Voacanga africana | Africa |
WILD LETTUCE | Lactuca virosa | Europe |
WORMWOOD | Artemisia absinthium | Europe |
YERBA MATE | Ilex paraguariensis | Brazil, Argentina |
YOPO, COHOBA | Anadenanthera spp. | Amazon |
YOHIMBE | Corynanthe yohimbe | Congo, Cameroon |
ZACATECHICHI | Calea zacatechichi | Mexico, Central America |
OTHER PLANTS | Various | Various |
Three Weeks of Plant Geekery: An Australia Travelogue, by Fire Erowid & Earth Erowid
Natural and Other Legal Intoxicants, by Nick J. Piazza
Miscellaneous Natural Psychedelics, from Psychedelic Chemistry
Duchess' opium garden is unveiled - BBC, Feb 28 2005